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Anyone got any plans to carry out pranks tomorrow?

I've got a few on the go at work.

Rigged an air horn under somebody's chair so when they sit on it the horn will go off.

We have also setup a fake router to wind up one of the network engineers up so that they will believe one of our core routers is failing. When they enter certain commands to try and diagnose the fault it reboots. Even moved the security camera so it covers his desk ready

We've got a smoke machine that we are going to rig up under somebody's car in the car park to make it look like their car is on fire.
very good they will be well fooled Lol
The guy we're doing the smoke machine on usually leaves his keys on his desk all the time so we were going to swap them over with somebody else but nobody else drives a mini :(

Needless to say my keys stay in my pocket at all times as people have had their boots filled with packing foam in the past.
we wrapped are supervisors car in cling film once
it took him ages to get it all off
I am a grown up so will be working as normal lol
We've done pallet film to one lads car and post it notes to somebody else's car. That took ages to stick them all on but it was worth it.

In fact we used to print out signs for the back of one lads car. The same lad used to help him self to peoples food till we leave chocolate laxatives on somebody's desk and he ate 6 segments he's not done it again since.
Think he deserved that one
Well 2 pranks down.

Air horn went down really well and woke most people up. No video's of it though :(

Fog machine went very well. Apart from the guy who's car it was didn't really care about there car however the rest of the office did.

[Image: IMG_42185177679644.jpg]
Ha I like the smoke machine
I would have gone mental ha ha

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Ha ha very good

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How did the router go down mate was waiting all day for the outcome of that one Lol
lol sorry about the delay the router prank went down very well.... He had a bit of a panic attack at 1st and then when he got the logs to display and it said it was going down for a reboot. There was a look of sheer terror in his face. Then there was confusion as the troll face popped up all drawn in ASCII. Took him a few minutes to finally twig he'd been got.
hahha nice pranks :P