Does anyone know if I'd be able to secure this mirror cover to my windscreen that doesn't have the correct notches on the glass itself? I know it won't clip on but will it secure another way? Wanting to hide the wiring I have for the retrofit anti dazzle mirror.
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No mate it needs tabs on the glass
Yeah i know mate. Gonna try and secure it with some sort of double sided tape which will work I'm sure... Just wanted to see someone had any suggestions.
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You are forgetting I tried it and it will look dreadfully bad from the outside of the side glass
I'm getting it tinted mate so that from the outside it won't look bad. Did you look into that option?
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Yep tinted the inside bonded the plastic to the inside and it pulled the tint off I did tint the out side in the end but gave up on the idea you want to bond it on it will be in my old progress thread somewhere
(26:th-Jul-2016, 11:43:49)tucpal Wrote: [ -> ]Yep tinted the inside bonded the plastic to the inside and it pulled the tint off I did tint the out side in the end but gave up on the idea you want to bond it on it will be in my old progress thread somewhere
Crap...hahaha. Well, I'll remain positive and see what I can do! Cheers mate

What is it you are trying to retrofit... auto wipers or lights etc?
Just the cover mate! I've got this all exposed atm
So I want just the cover to hide all that
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I would get some black fablon, cut it to the same shape as the cover, only slightly larger all around. Dry fit it to the window so you can make the necessary cutouts for the mirror plate etc, then peel off the backing paper and fit to the window. I would then use either 3M tape or some glue to stick the cover plate to the fablon and then fit the mirror, wiring and cover.
Yeah think that's what
@tucpal did... Can I ask what fablon is though? But that's definitely the approach I'd be taking! Cheers [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
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It's just a sticky back roll of vinyl which is used for covering all types or surfaces. You can get it in any colour and can buy it from most DIY outlets and Wilko's. I have even used it to cover the outer frame of an old council gas fire about 15 years ago because the person living there before us decided to paint it white and the council refused to do anything with it.
Aha! No way! Looks perfect! Is it easy to work with or a real bugger?
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Very sticky, but pliable, just work from the mirror plate outwards. When everythint is cut out, I would place the fablon (backing paper still on) onto the windscreen and mark on the fablon and windscreen so when sticking it on you have some centre lines to work with.
Yes! Very good idea that! Nice one mate [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES] should be coming (fablon and mirror plate thing) before the weekend so will tackle it then
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The fablon worked great! Well... It looks factory from the inside and outside but the problem is that it's really hard to apply without getting bubbles!
Pic from inside
But from the outside you can see bubbles [PENSIVE FACE]
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I think you can also do it by spraying water onto the glass and then squeezing it out with a credit card, have a trial run on something. I'm sure it still bonds after the water has been squeezed out, just like window frosting film. If you don't want to do that, you could try pricking the air bubbles with a pin and squeezing out the air.
(29:th-Jul-2016, 19:56:23)stigeye Wrote: [ -> ]I think you can also do it by spraying water onto the glass and then squeezing it out with a credit card, have a trial run on something. I'm sure it still bonds after the water has been squeezed out, just like window frosting film. If you don't want to do that, you could try pricking the air bubbles with a pin and squeezing out the air.
Yeah same sort of thing with some screen protectors ain't it... Good idea that! And was thinking the pin prick idea myself but wasn't sure if it would make a mess of it... Guess not though.
Gonna try that water idea now on my house window ha
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Wow! The water idea worked amazingly well! No bubbles at all! That was a test though. Gonna leave it an hour or so on the kitchen window to see if it sets and stays sticky! [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
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No way! Check out the results using water mixed with some baby shampoo! (used this mix before when doing screen protectors ha).
Assuming it doesn't plop off over night I think this is perfect!
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Good job that mate.
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I'm just going to tell my with that contrary to her opinion I am of some use afterall lol
Thanks rusty!
@stigeye hahaha yep! You have proof now that you're useful too lol
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So! I got some sugru to secure the frame to the window. I applied it so that it's not stuck to the vinyl but the glass a bit further up. It's also stuck to the casing of the mirror socket too.
It's drying atm then I'll attach the surrounded!
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Let it set for a week before you bond the backing plate on or it will pull the tint off
I was going too
@tucpal but I didn't want the sugru to set in a way where the casing wouldn't clip on. So I've just installed it now.. And wow! It's rock solid! As I say most of the adhesive putty (sugru) is on the mirror connector and I only put a small blob on the section touching the vinyl so that it would be able to hold itself while it dried.
Anyway... Had a good pull on it (yeah yeah haha) and it's secure as anything!
Inside pic
Outside pic
As you can see the vinyl is a tad smaller than the casing but I cut it that was as originally I was going to secure the casing to the glass all the way around and didn't want it being stuck to the vinyl. But don't think it looks bad myself!
Cheers for the help guys [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
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@tucpal! And as it's mainly secured to the frame of the connector on the mirror I think the vinyl should be okay and shouldn't come off! The case still clips on and off too so can use that to stash wires or whatever [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES] maybe even move my GPS module up into it!
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