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red line 3rd, red line 4th, red line 5th ........................rattle rattle buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz = no power.
Gone into limp mod?

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk


Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
No, No power at all as in completely dead.

Had a look this morning and the battery is totally goosed (multiple dead cells maybe), only showing 9.5 volt's, checked the alternator and it was very loose on its mountings so much so that I reckon that's what the rattling noises/buzzing I could hear.

Tightened it all up and replaced the battery and car started fine but battery light came on after a few seconds, checked belts etc - all good, checked charging output , 21 volts - very bad.

Looks like the alternator was goosed all along , someone made a show of swapping it out but never did , suffice to say its back to the dealer to sort out today.