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If you wanted vx line/biturbo rear bumper on a facelift would you have to buy a preface bumper to do it?

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isnt the VX-line rear bumper just a pre-facelift with a kit on it?
Think so. Have seen people in turkey moint the kit on the facelift. Looks daft.

Does the preface front vx line bumper lip fit facelift

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(16:th-Jul-2016, 09:55:11)mrtc Wrote: [ -> ]Think so. Have seen people in turkey moint the kit on the facelift. Looks daft.

Does the preface front vx line bumper lip fit facelift

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk

You would need to swap the wing brackets over just like face-lifting a pre-facelift.