Full Version: Major service now struggles to start
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Hi guys, vx did a major service yesterday. Started the car and it struggled to fire up eventually it did. I put it down to maybe fuel needing purging or something like that.
Switch it off it starts fine.
Left the car for an hour and same thing took about 5 seconds to start.
Now I do still have the problem with glow plugs (don't know how much it will cost, anyone any ideas?) but it still started perfectly fine.
Anyone got any ideas what I can look for? I have a plan with warranty direct so wondering if they will cover the glow plugs. Cars done 44k, glow plugs meant to last this long?

Thanks guys

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VX recommend 4yrs or 40K for glow plugs. although they can last longer with no problems at all. You are waiting for the glow plug light to go out aren't you? (I know it may sound a stupid question).

If you notice the glow-plug light stays on for longer and the car struggles to start this could mean you need new glow plugs.

You don't say if you have Stop/Start as this makes a massive a difference to the cost, I wouldn't see warranty covering the cost as they are a wear & tear item you would need to check with them.

But if everything was fine before VX did the service I would be speaking with them.
Thanks for replying bud.
The car doesn't have start/stop, just a simply 1.7 Sri.
I have had the "service vehicle soon" message on the display for a while just haven't got he finds to repair it. RAC read the error and it said low voltage glow plugs or something along those lines (I did have another thread about it), the car always started fine even with this message appearing but since the service it's taken a lot longer than normal to turn over. They did ask if I wanted them to look at it but paying £80 for a diagnostic is Stupid money on top of the cost to repair.
Any idea of the cost for repair? Admittedly I've not rung garages for prices but I'm expecting to be a few hundred pounds.
I was thinking of the warranty as they said it covers items if they fail before their expected life time so expecting the to be covered is a stab in the dark lol.
Are they easy to replace ?

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They wont be cover with that millage I would just go local stay away from the dealers and replace the glow plugs but I would also check the battery voltage
Should be easy to swap unless they have seized then you need to get the engine hot then spray penetrating fluid on the plugs a few times.
Do u know if there's a guide on here for it? Cars 2012 plate and just checked 48k on the clock.
Any idea of a typical cost for local garages to do the work?

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Depends what the rate is in your area, I don't think there is a guide on here but I'll check the workshop manual for you.

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40k is not far.

I assume 1 mile is 1,6 kilometer?
(15:th-Jul-2016, 17:24:28)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]Depends what the rate is in your area, I don't think there is a guide on here but I'll check the workshop manual for you.

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Thanks buddy

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My glow plug light never comes on. I just leave it about 5-10 seconds then start
(16:th-Jul-2016, 08:47:01)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]http://workshop-manuals.com/vauxhall/ast...l_and_lpv/

Thanks pal, seems an easy job. As they've never been changed think the odds are in my favour of them not snapping.
Do you know which ones to get? Amazon had a massive sale yesterday on car parts and there was loads of glow plugs for about £2 each instead of £30 odd, but I didn't know if they would fit

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