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Hi all

Wondering if you can advise on springs. Been researching a lot the last week or so and still a little unsure, but getting there!

So I want to lower the car (2014 2litre CDTI 165bhp diesel).

Eibach pro kit seem to be the commonly used springs, hwoever, I've seen reference to the Eibach Sportlines and where the pro kit and the sportlines have been discussed, people are saying the sportlines are worth it as they're a lot lower and the drop with the pro kit isn't that noticable.

There is also the fact I'm aware my diesel car is heavier than petrol cars - so this adds another variable into the mix! Maybe the people who say the pro-kit didn't make much difference were using the pro kit with a petrol, and being as I have a diesel, i'll still get a significant drop?

I've got 19in standard alloys.

I'm prepared to accept a loss of a bit of practicality (going up kerbs etc), but obviously dont want it to scrape. And 90% of the time I'm on my own in the car but fairly often I do carry one passenger, and occasionally I will have a full load (car that is!).

Oh and are Eibach's the main name in town? Any other brands to recommend?

Sorry to ramble but there seems to be quite a few variables and not too experienced with all this, and don't wanna part with my cash this weekend for the wrong springs!

Can post pics of car later if needed!
I fitted the SRI springs off a 2.0 to my 2.0 only drops it by 10mm but IMHO (others have their) that is more than enough.

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