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[Image: vx.o.c.jpeg]

How to find and Access Hidden Menus
on the NAV,500,600,800,900..

Step one........

How to Access Test Mode.

Press and hold Config for 10 Seconds
Till you see Test Mode Appear on the Screen.

[Image: 1.JPG]
[Image: 2.JPG]

Press the info Button to Bring up the Different Test Displays
this will Bring up Data on Different System and info Displays
Press Info to go to the Next one till you Get to the End.

[Image: 3.JPG]
[Image: 4.JPG]
[Image: 5.JPG]
[Image: 6.JPG]
[Image: 7.JPG]
[Image: 8.JPG]

Too Exit Test Mode Press Config for Ten seconds
until the Display says Test Mode Inactive.

[Image: 9.JPG]
[Image: 10.JPG]

STEP TWO...........

How to Access Engineering Mode.

Press Config one Time
and Press and Hold Info for Ten seconds
until you get the Engineering Mode up on the Display.

[Image: 11.JPG]
[Image: 12.JPG]
[Image: 13.JPG]

To Access the Different Menus
Press the Control Button
and Browse through the Different Menus.

[Image: 14.JPG]
[Image: 15.JPG]
[Image: 16.JPG]
[Image: 17.JPG]
[Image: 18.JPG]

To Exit Engineering Mode press Back.

[Image: 19.JPG]

Note it is Possible to change a few Setting in Engineering Mode
so Before you go Press Buttons or Alter Anything
make a Note of what was There Before.


System Reboot
Press and Hold 1 and 5, OR 1 and 6
This should Reboot the System
How ever i would only Do this if you Have too
as you may Lose Info that has been Stored on the Unit.

you do this at your own risk if you follow the how to correctly
there should be no problems thank you.

[Image: vx.o.c.jpeg]
Great info there mate.
nice find mate... Smile
You can do the same on the 400 unit as well. Can't remember if it goes into engineering mode or test mode. I'll check later and confirm which it goes into.
it goes tot est mode on the 400 unit but i dont understand why you would use this :(