Full Version: Numbers of key you can have
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I own a Astra J GTC 2.0CDTi 165 Sport Eco.
 I have 3 keys for my new car. But the dealerships tells me that only 2 of them will be recognized by the immobilizer as it can only hold 2 keys..
I think that sounds odd that it is not possible to hold 3 or 4 keys..
As I remember the Vectra C could hold 4 keys..

I had a problem with my front p-sensors, they would not turn on. The dealership have fixed it, but now my cruise control dosen´t work.
I can turn it on (white light) but not engage (green light) 
Anybody that can shed a light to what the "monkey" mechanics have done.. I of cause need them to make it work again..

this may be true i know the car will recognize only two keys
and alter certain settings to each key
rusty is the man to ask if 3 or 4 are possible
Old cars were so much better. My seat marbella could be opened and started with an old garden shed key i had. It came from a scrappy so we couldn't find the keys. Luckily the paperwork hadnt been done so i could just mot it and drive it

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I have 3 keys for mine with no problems at all.

As for your Cruise control they need to run trough the programming and configuration of the BCM.
(12:th-Jun-2016, 07:38:23)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]I have 3 keys for mine with no problems at all.

I thought so with the keys. Dealership told there could only be 2 keys. Now I know it was because they were to lazy to code all the keys. again. B***** monkeys..

(12:th-Jun-2016, 07:38:23)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]As for your Cruise control they need to run trough the programming and configuration of the BCM.

They have been playing with the front p-sensores as they had made them dissapear when confirguration trailer hitch or forgot to put plug together in front bumper when giving the car undercoating. Now the Cruisecontrol dosen´t work.

I am not happy to say the least..
Dealerships are useless.
I went to the dealership today to have them programme my 3 keys and fix my cruise control not engaging.

And guess what, they succeeded. Even though they initially told me only 2 keys could be coded to the car.

Monkey mechanics...