(29:th-Jun-2016, 14:06:11)C0ntax Wrote: [ -> ] (28:th-Jun-2016, 21:12:05)raimon Wrote: [ -> ] (28:th-Jun-2016, 21:06:34)C0ntax Wrote: [ -> ]Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No worries pal. Give this a go. Download, extract, replace.
Worked a treat. Thanks for your time and doing that.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Glad to help pal. I be uploading a new theme soon, so watch this space you may wish to download it

So a couple of questions guys:
I've updated to v208 my navi system last friday and everything went well.
However, today I've received a sdcard with the recent maps of europe 2015/2016 that I bought, and when I inserted the card in the system it told me that I had to install the version that came with it... Wich I think it's a lower version than v208!
I've already installed it because with it the sd card wouldn't work.
So now my questions are:
- Can I update to v208 again or the system will only ask me to install the version that came with the card again?
- When I updated to v208, the night sky became all orange and grey instead of the night sky with the stars (which I prefer), is this from the 208 version or from the theme that I've chosen? Can it be changed to the stars sky?
You need v200 for the starry night sky
but look for one without the 30, 40, 50, etc icons
there is absolutely no point in doing v208 there is no difference map sky at night that is it
and you may even have problems if you try and go back to v200 now
plus there are more themes about for v200 also
i won't advise you to try and go back to v200 from v208 as it may not work
@raimon may know if this is ok to do
The thing is that I don't know what is the version of software that came with the sd card, but I had to install for it to properly work (without installing it would say no sd card installed).
So, with this in mind, I don't know what to do, install again v208? Another one? No one?
The only thing that I would like to have for sure is the night sky... To get it I just have to put a theme that has it?
please read the first page in this thread and in the how to please read the warnings
about v208 and then using a lower spec like v200 or v181
does your original nav sd card work i take it you still have it as you will need it
again please read the first page in this thread warnings about sd cards
Ok, thanks Tupcal, I've already read it and thank God I've done everything properly lol
So what I've done is:
- Downloaded v208
- Modified night theme to red theme v208
- Updated my Navi system to v208 with night red theme
- Put the sd card from Navi 900 with Europe maps, which then updated the maps as you mention on the first post.
That is all what I've done and everything is working fine!
And from what I understand I'm now on v208 with Europe 2015/2016 Navi 900 Maps.
Now, is it possible to have the night sky with the stars without have to install v200 (which I now know that is dangerous)?
No not at the moment as it is not advisable to edit the file that it is located in
swapping that file would mean you would be mixing v200 and v208 files
and that will brick the headunit as it is located in a system file
and the gm-respacker will not pack an edited sytem file back correctly
so not at the moment so only edit the 0 to 25 uli.files and nothing else at all
Ok, thanks for your help Tucpal!
I'm currently testing new night skys on my themes, i have got the speed camera icon working on the map and also different petrol station icon.

@raimon, can you tell me how I flash the navi600 back to a navi600 while on V208?
The reason I ask is because I've got hold of a proper navi900 so would be looking to sell the 600 on which I can't do with the hack on it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
(14:th-Jul-2016, 13:26:24)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]@raimon, can you tell me how I flash the navi600 back to a navi600 while on V208?
The reason I ask is because I've got hold of a proper navi900 so would be looking to sell the 600 on which I can't do with the hack on it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here you go
Anyway did the v208 fw fix your navi restarting issue as you was using a new map card?
(15:th-Jul-2016, 01:01:13)raimon Wrote: [ -> ] (14:th-Jul-2016, 13:26:24)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]@raimon, can you tell me how I flash the navi600 back to a navi600 while on V208?
The reason I ask is because I've got hold of a proper navi900 so would be looking to sell the 600 on which I can't do with the hack on it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here you go
Anyway did the v208 fw fix your navi restarting issue as you was using a new map card?
Thanks but that uses the old v181 & then V200 hence my concern.
Yes it has seemed to have fixed it I've not had any issue thus far.
(15:th-Jul-2016, 07:10:03)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ] (15:th-Jul-2016, 01:01:13)raimon Wrote: [ -> ] (14:th-Jul-2016, 13:26:24)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]@raimon, can you tell me how I flash the navi600 back to a navi600 while on V208?
The reason I ask is because I've got hold of a proper navi900 so would be looking to sell the 600 on which I can't do with the hack on it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here you go
Anyway did the v208 fw fix your navi restarting issue as you was using a new map card?
Thanks but that uses the old v181 & then V200 hence my concern.
Yes it has seemed to have fixed it I've not had any issue thus far.
You can still upgrade to v208 afterwards, it should work
(15:th-Jul-2016, 12:13:06)raimon Wrote: [ -> ] (15:th-Jul-2016, 07:10:03)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ] (15:th-Jul-2016, 01:01:13)raimon Wrote: [ -> ] (14:th-Jul-2016, 13:26:24)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]@raimon, can you tell me how I flash the navi600 back to a navi600 while on V208?
The reason I ask is because I've got hold of a proper navi900 so would be looking to sell the 600 on which I can't do with the hack on it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here you go
Anyway did the v208 fw fix your navi restarting issue as you was using a new map card?
Thanks but that uses the old v181 & then V200 hence my concern.
Yes it has seemed to have fixed it I've not had any issue thus far.
You can still upgrade to v208 afterwards, it should work
Ok I wasn't sure if going back to was possible, so it shouldn't brick the unit?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Reverting back can definitely be done, I had a member on another forum had issues with his upgraded 600, so I got him to revert back to 600 then re upgrade to 900, which worked with no issues.
As for tucpal said about downgrading to lower fw from higher fw this can also be done. V208 > v200. You just can't mix v181/200/208 system files. I have downgraded many times while testing downloaded themes, but now I tend to stick to v208 fw to avoid issues such as what you had with your map card.
Once you have reverted back to 600, let's say the new keeper wants to upgrade to 900 fw, they will only need to install using the USB and it will not fail at 80%, unless of course programming has failed due to error then the cd will be required.
Again all this is done at your own risk.
(28:th-Jun-2016, 17:14:32)raimon Wrote: [ -> ]Ah. Had a another read at your original question. Didn't realise you meant the popup alerts, i thought you meant the map icons. But anyway that resource.bin needed replacing as well to correct your map icons as it will say 40 for speed cameras and 50,60 for other categories. Images20.uli is what you need to edit.
This is what i changed mine to
![[Image: 20151231_153144_zpsx2crioht.jpg]](http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y391/rcwyu/Navi%20Mods/Navi%20Themes/20151231_153144_zpsx2crioht.jpg)
raimon, i hav one question, do you change the fonts of the dispay?
It looks very good. I am interessted to know the name of the font type.
hello guys
Anyone have this animation :
OPEL .... startup animation option 1.
.... Download link .....
The link is not working.
Thanks for help
thank you for the great guide. upgrade my navi 600 to 900 and everything went as normal.
now i woud like to put this red theme with insignia start up animation as you
@tucpal done, is possible that you still have these files arround
Hi all,
I have Insignia 10/2012 with original NAV900 software (think is V200), my question is: can I change only background theme to "Infinity" with USB, reason is my DVD/CD won’t work? And how please?
Thank You in advance
(5:th-Dec-2017, 11:38:24)ShabaMan Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all,
I have Insignia 10/2012 with original NAV900 software (think is V200), my question is: can I change only background theme to "Infinity" with USB, reason is my DVD/CD won’t work? And how please?
Thank You in advance
When you have NAVI900 you just use the USB no disc needed.
(6:th-Dec-2017, 08:10:59)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ] (5:th-Dec-2017, 11:38:24)ShabaMan Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all,
I have Insignia 10/2012 with original NAV900 software (think is V200), my question is: can I change only background theme to "Infinity" with USB, reason is my DVD/CD won’t work? And how please?
Thank You in advance
When you have NAVI900 you just use the USB no disc needed.
Rusty2009: Can You explain me in short how to update, I don’t want to damage something. I need to add only “Infinity_Theme__MY2011” do I need to unlock firs or to update directly? Which file I need to use for V200 (I have SD with 2012/2013 maps)?
Thank You in advance
Rusty2009: Can You explain me in short how to update, I don’t want to damage something. I need to add only “Infinity_Theme__MY2011” do I need to unlock firs or to update directly? Which file I need to use for V200 (I have SD with 2012/2013 maps)?
Thank You in advance
Hello, I have 2 questions about making a new theme by myself:
1. Is there a way to change the size of font in the navi?
2. Does anyone have a template to make my own theme? so I can see where particular images are placed etc.
Can someone tell me which theme I can use for my car ? (you can give me a link )
(somewhere I read that exist v181 ,v200, v208 and you should not mix )
I am not sure which version is mine ( I think it's v181 ) and which one I can use now
I don't want to damage something .Do I need to change FW or something else ?
This is photo from my car..
( I would like some theme like this...
You would be best going with V208 when they say don't mix them they mean you can't take files from V181 and add them into V208.
(13:th-Nov-2019, 09:44:27)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]You would be best going with V208 when they say don't mix them they mean you can't take files from V181 and add them into V208.
oh, I see

.Thank you very much !
Just one more question...what i need to do now to update from v181 in v208 or v200? (some links or something ,please.. )
I have a navi600 with the latest 2018/2019 maps but I have found that Macdonalds & BP icons show up on the map where other restaurants and petrol stations show up as the standard icons.
Can the themes be done with these latest maps and would this give logos for other POI's?
Before doing anything stupid and bricking navi in process I think it is best I ask here.
I have stock navi900 with v181, can I take any theme and transfer it to USB and it will work?
(eg any v208 theme will work on my fw as long as I don't mix files?)
I really like how everything works atm but that blue "night" theme is killing me during night driving and I would like to do a change to carbon/red on this theme.
Also, POI/camera notifications work for me and I would like to keep it same as before.
Since I can't edit....
Can I take image.11.uli from any theme and just pop it in ISO for v208 upgrade?
Or does it have to be from v208 theme.
As I understand, as long as I keep system files untouched I can copy in any from following:
image.22.uli. day theme.
image.11.uli. night theme.
image.14.uli. start up animation.
Please if someone can correct me if wrong here?
It's been that long since I did any Navi theme stuff it's hard to remember exactly but it should all be in this thread.
I know on the Navi 900 you can skip the cd part and just use the USB.
They can be just popped in v208 update files, swapping .uli from any other theme should work. It has been working for me.
Left day default and added carbon/red night
(28:th-May-2016, 12:09:09)tucpal Wrote: [ -> ]
(28:th-May-2016, 12:04:41)sheppy1 Wrote: [ -> ]Are they actual themes or just wallpapers?
Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
they are working themes mate they work just like the nav600/900 etc.
Hello, I will try to update mine NAVI 600 with this night theme, my question is where is the temperature is it gonna be visible or no ?
Thank you, very great post!