Full Version: Rear Window heater not working..
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Hi all, Have a GTC SRI 2011. 

Had for about 4 months now but just noticed the rear window demister is not working, press the button, light comes on. but nothing.

Checked the fuse seems Ok, I am assuming its a bad connection or resistance problem, Or worst case scenario matrix buggered.

I tried to find where it connects but it all seems hidden :(
i had this when i had a bad tinting job and they broke the matrix on the rear window
anyone played with the rear window if not chsck the fuse
Yeah fuse is fine. Was going to check the voltage reaching the matrix. But everything is hidden.
Remove the trim around the rear window and you will find them.
Ah well done that was easy. It just popped off. Tab on rh side fallen of. Resolder and all good. Smile
(9:th-May-2016, 07:04:37)Roden Wrote: [ -> ]Ah well done that was easy.  It just popped off.  Tab on rh side fallen of.  Resolder and all good.  Smile

Glad you've got it sorted.
Thanks for your help, was so easy i didn't realise the trim came of so easy Smile