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I have the above unit fitted and I'm having a problem with the USB drive.

I have attached a 500GB HDD with roughly 80GB of music stored onboard. The HDD is formatted as fat32.

The problem I have is that when I turn on the ignition and headunit, music from the HDD plays automatically (as expected) and the stereo starts scanning the HDD.

Once the scan finishes, I get a message on the display which says something like "no compatible media found" and the HDD can no longer be found.

This is odd because it plays music from the device no problems until the end of the scan

The other odd thing is that there is no consistency; sometimes it's OK after the scan. More often than not though, it's a problem.

I'm wondering if there is a memory limit to the size of device that can be attached to and the headunit is just getting confused?

Or could there be a file on the HDD which is corrupting it somehow?

I've scanned and analysed the HDD with no errors or bugs found so all in all, I'm pretty confused

Any ideas?

Thanks for reading guys

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Are there any non music files on there?

Are all the music files the same format?

There maybe a max size limit most aftermarket units only support upto 64GB.

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Hi Rusty

Thanks for your quick response. I purposely excluded non-music files when I transferred my music across to the HDD.

I wasn't aware of the 64GB limit though.

I think I'll remove some files, drop the used memory down to 64GB and see if it makes a difference.

Thanks again

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I assume your music files aren't hi-res or any non standard format ?
@andy2174 I did find some files in .flac format so I've taken them off.

Everything on the disk is now in .mp3 or .wma format and I believe that both file types are supported but please correct me if I'm wrong.

I've also dropped down to just under 64GB of used memory.

Hopefully these two things will sort things out.

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