Full Version: Navi 650 with DvD/Reverse Camera
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Hi guys,

Relatively new to the forum. Been reading lots of How-To's, a big thank you to everyone who's put effort into them.

Just bought my first Vx. 2016 Astra GTC Ltd Ed 200PS. (Loving it so far and I will make a Progress Thread)

My 2016 model comes with the standard Navi 650, I assume there is no upgrade to the 950 like there was for the 600. Not that I've found so far anyway, any information on this point would be much appreciated. Likewise, if I find something. I'll add it here.

Anyway, I suppose onto my question.

Has anyone added DvD functionality to this Navi successful and if so how complex was the process? Not necessarily looking for a step by step guide (would be handy) but want to know if its atl east do-able. Smile Thought I'd mention that I do plan on adding a rear reverse camera, this may make it impossible.

Any advice or assistance is much appreciated!

The navi650 is still quite new out so will take some time for things to come through.

As for DVDs you will need an interface like the Navi600/900.

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Thanks for the info Rusty.

I assume you mean inputs/outputs by interface? Am I correct?

Is there anything I could do to help on that front? Images? Diagrams etc?
