Full Version: Headlight/ taillights schematics
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Trying to change front w21 and rearw5w tailghates to leds and after experimenting a bit it seems they are tied together.
Does anyone have schematics for front/back lights? Astra j tourer...
My idea is to tie just one balast for each side. If cpu uses amere load to check bulbs i think it can be done...

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I'll try and grab them later today but can't promise as I'm really busy ATM.
Thanks! No rush...

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Bump on the schematics...
Wanted to order ressistors soon Smile

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Sorry I did get them the other day just got totally side tracked on the house improvements.

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[Image: Low%20and%20High%20Beams%20and%20Daytime...0(T4A).jpg]

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[Image: Stop%20and%20Tail%20Lamps.jpg]