Full Version: Subscription problems
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Just wonder what I am doing wrong.

I have clicked on the subscriptions tab on the top banner but it wont recognise my email o password and when I click on I have forgotten my password paypal doesn't recognise my email address.

Is there something I am doing wrong?

I can log in from another tab with my email and password no problem.

Can I just log in from another tab and transfer the funds with a note?
Pm rusty
There are issues ATM, I've paid up twice and had to be refunded both times as there's an issue with the forum.. I was only trying to help the club but don't think I'll bother a third time lol
You have done a good job
I will be donating once Rusty gets back to me.

Like he said the forum costs money to run and for the info I have gained from the forum is worth £5.
(15:th-Mar-2016, 16:46:19)bruce_19 Wrote: [ -> ]I will be donating once Rusty gets back to me.

Like he said the forum costs money to run and for the info I have gained from the forum is worth £5.
Exactly. Small price to pay.

Sent from my LG G4 using Tapatalk
Link is working that to Rusty for sorting it out so I have done the needful.