Full Version: Forum closing from 19:00hrs tonight 8th March 2016
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The Forum will be closed from 19:00hrs tonight for some background updates to be done.

@DC_Elite will update this post once the work has been completed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
oh well i guess we can use the facebook over night if were want to lol
Reluctantly it looks like I will have to talk to the missus tonight then... :-D
What are you doing to me.... Dammit

Sent from my LG G4 using Tapatalk
Work all done, and I haven't broken anything wooohooo! (I hope) Smile

Sorry for the downtime all
I havent been receiving topic notifications for the past few days (which I subscribed to) not sure if this is related to the maintenance carried out?
Yes the update has caused an issue which DC_Elite is hoping to have fixed very soon
Right apologies that has taken me so long to address. I have had a very busy couple of weeks with various things.

Email alerts are now fixed for you, you wont receive any historic ones, but new ones will come through.