Full Version: Hotel for PVS 2016
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Since there is a few of us travelling from Newcastle and up North we are looking into booking a hotel for PVS, probably around Peterborough.

It's around 30mile from Santa Pod so would be leaving the hotel around about 5.30-6.00am to give us plenty of time.

Is there anyone else coming who would like to join us staying at a hotel?

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Ok since there has been no comments I've went ahead and booked the following hotel. It's about a 30minute drive to Santa Pod.


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To he fair mate it's just as easy for me to drive home as I'm not close but equally not far from the pod. Did you get a good price?

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Yeah that's understandable mate, I have 4hours each way so hotel makes sense.
Yeah I got the room for only £39.50

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Not bad that

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