Full Version: My Footwell and puddle lights. Pictures
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Well the front Footwell and Puddle Lights are finished as I said on another thread. I also promised some pictures[img]

[url=http://s923.photobucket.com/user/migwellv030744/media/IMG_05371_zps44735208.jpg.html][Image: IMG_05371_zps44735208.jpg]

likely made a mess of this
Pic 2 The other side

[Image: IMG_05421_zps7b9c51bc.jpg]
good job well done. :cool
looks good Smile
Thinking about also doing the back doors and foot wells as I now have the wires connected up at the front, so it shouldn't take a lot to extend them to the back. I will do this when the weather gets warmer, as I have to work outside. The garage is so full of other stuff, like the freezer and tumble drier appliances I couldn't get a car in. Any way it was never the size of Rustys garage even when it was empty years ago, then it took all the space up when I had a MK1 fiesta inside.
Someone needs to come do this on my car lol, have no idea where to start :( want to do red footwell lights like Rusty, and got some puddle lights I'd like to get on the underside of the mirror, all wired up to interior courtesy light..