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Is there any way of knowing if the car has a map on it without doing a dyno-run? Compared to my other J this one seems to be faster.

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Same engines I take it? What have you been driving in between cars?

Sent from my LG G4 using Tapatalk
Exactly the same, ive had that fiat 500 L and a couple of new corsa's. I know that I haven't had an Astra for a couple of weeks but it definitely accelerates a heck of a lot faster. My mate couldn't keep up with me where he used to be able to on the other J

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I was going to say maybe it's just because you've not driven it for a while but seeing as there's another factor, maybe it's been tinkered with by the previous owner. I know mine had.

Sent from my LG G4 using Tapatalk
I'll have to dyno run it

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thats the only way to find out it may well be done already
you could try and contact the last owner
I've not had the v5 yet with his details, but will certainly send a letter when I get it

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I've not actually sent a letter in years...

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You may even find them on Facebook

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New owner of my Focus contacted me via Facebook. I found his message in the 'others' folder

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I'll give it a go when the v5 comes through

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@Rusty2009 my car spits out white smoke when the turbo kicks in. Not a lot but it's visible, is that a sign of a remap?
No mate my old zaffy did that and it hadn't be mapped

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Hmm is it a bad thing? The white smoke I mean
I had it checked and was told it was fine

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We shall see then, thanks
I get white smoke when first started, that normal?

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Is it white smoke? Or steam??
Smoke at first but goes away once warmed up a few mins.

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If its smoke, sounds like burning oil :/ if its steam, thats normal, especially this time of year as its cold
Hmm may just be steam but I assumed smoke with it being a diesel.

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