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Merry Christmas (in 2 hours) everyone!!

What mods/presents do you guys have planned for your cars??
In going to invest in some new Meguiars for the little J!

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My wife bought me metal pressed plates and holders, hoping for some more though hehe. I've ordered a shark fin (still waiting on delivery - China) and some 5000k dipped beam bulbs which I are here and just need fitted Smile

How about yourself?

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Merry Xmas.

Nothing car wise for me this year which is good as means more ££'s are saved for the respray.
merry xmass
Happy Christmas all!

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Merry Christmas guys, can't believe I've been on the forum for 9 months already! Loving it and you're all awesome, have a lovely day!

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Merry Christmas!
Merry Xmas all! And I have to try and fit the new OPC steering wheel...which is giving me grief atm! spent an hour trying to get the old one off to no avail! Ha
(25:th-Dec-2015, 18:37:43)sheppy1 Wrote: [ -> ]Merry Xmas all! And I have to try and fit the new OPC steering wheel...which is giving me grief atm! spent an hour trying to get the old one off to no avail! Ha
Which bit are you struggling with mate?

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Happy Christmas... I got a new bike lol

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Sounds like lots of goodies about!
What bike have you got J1ODYA??

I'm have decided, after the dire weather, that I need to get some mats for the J! Going to have a look on their website and get some (unless anyone knows any better ones?)

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Just a nice London fixie Smile

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