Full Version: Auto Perfection Intensify Wax
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Decided to wax over the SiRamik coating to see if I could add any gloss. Wow I'm extremely happy with the results.

I've used many waxes but I have to say this is one of the easiest I've tried. I applied it to the whole car & then went back & buffed it off. It came off so easy. Some waxes you have to do a panel or 2 at a time, not this one.

[Image: 78F7D85F-83D8-4061-BE07-56996DE468FC_zps9r9dxz2j.jpg]
[Image: A636EFD6-F200-446F-806E-DF1F09A3DA88_zps9y6yykup.jpg]
[Image: C9931618-49C6-4D82-9F70-1F92ABA894CC_zpsvlkegbxs.jpg]
[Image: 0A363A30-3CB5-43EA-BB34-499FDC6AEB23_zpszxkxxw5x.jpg]
[Image: 682DF796-6457-4A70-8F15-887650FCE209_zpsllpwdgus.jpg]

Very impressive gloss levels IMO

The blurb Intensify Show Wax ( blueberry glass version ) | Auto Perfection Car Care
looking good i like it
Come and do mine if you like.
(20:th-Oct-2015, 21:58:22)tucpal Wrote: [ -> ]looking good i like it

I'd lend it you if you were nearer.