Full Version: Part number for N/S interior door handle
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Have damaged the interior door handle on my GTC, only the silver bit. Could anyone provide me the part number please? Its the silver trim showed in this photo. Also. does anyone know the location to a guide showing how to remove it?


[Image: 2Passengersdoortrimremoved_zpsf0a827c7.jpg]
Here is a how-to http://www.vxoc.org.uk/forum/Thread-How-...-Door-Trim

But the part you want is only sold with the door card, so eBay is your best bet.
Cheers for the help mate!
Which part and colour is it exactly as I have two extra sets. One a sort of Matt silver and the other gloss black
(5:th-Oct-2015, 20:49:31)WhelanUK Wrote: [ -> ]Which part and colour is it exactly as I have two extra sets. One a sort of Matt silver and the other gloss black

It's the matt silver part, the one still on the door. If you could help I'd greatly appreciate it!
You will most likely have to find a used one as they come as part of the door card give your reg too lookers and see if they can find it