Full Version: Am I going mad?
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I seem to remember my seat belt reminder chime going off if my passenger didn't put their seat belt on. Today it seems to have stopped... Now either I have thought wrong or the car has stopped doing this.

If it's stopped, what's the cause? I have no warning lights/messages etc.

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Next to hazards button there is a red light which flashes and chimes when passenger is in seat but without seatbelt, not sure why it's stopped though.

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I thought it did. In which case, it's stopped.

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Yep should chime, when my daughter sits in it nothing.
Well I sat in it last night when the missus drove and nothing happened. It was when my cousin was in it and I first noticed it.

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It's still not working for some reason

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I'm guessing here but maybe a connector under seat has came loose?

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