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I'll start by admitting that with my previous cars all being Vauxhall Corsa's B, C & D I never 'really' looked after them. But now I have my J I love it and want to make sure I minimise any chance of knacking my car due to negligence.

So what checks should I do each month? Tyre pressure, oil...?? Any and all advice is appreciated as always, thanks.


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I'd recommend checking your tyres at least once a week for damage. I've lost count of the number of times I've spotted issues usually just give them a once over when I wash the car.

Oil should probably be done once a fortnight, I usually check it as well before a long journey. Not only the amount of oil but the colour of it. If it's to dark I look to get it changed.

Brake pads and discs depending on your wheels design, on mine it's very easy to see the condition of them.
Check the body for any damage ie stone chips, deep scratches

I'm sure there's others but that's all I can think of from the top of my head
to add to John's list.

Check the coolant and brake fluid fortnightly.

Check all lights weekly (as not all the lights are on the canbus).
(28:th-Sep-2015, 11:36:25)Tonto Wrote: [ -> ]I'll start by admitting that with my previous cars all being Vauxhall Corsa's B, C & D I never 'really' looked after them. But now I have my J I love it and want to make sure I minimise any chance of knacking my car due to negligence.

So what checks should I do each month? Tyre pressure, oil...?? Any and all advice is appreciated as always, thanks.


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Oil once a fortnight?