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Finally started driving my 1.7cdti with a lighter foot.
Massive difference in fuel.
176 miles off 18ltrs gave me 45mpg
Recently using a heavy foot been getting 35-38
Been using the shift indicator that pops up to change up and tried keeping revs at 2k or less and spent only £20 in a week using it daily

What's others getting?

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There's another thread on this already... I've been driving eco for a while now basically swapping my older petrol car for the astra means the astra pretty much pays for itself which is nice... I've got a 1.3 cdti which is slow however I find it fine unless I need to get out of a junction quickly.... it's great on the motorway and just cruising.

With a mixture of around town and some longer journeys I'm averaging around 54/55mpg... don't trust the dash readout though... that can be out by at least 10mpg.

How you measured it?

Best I got on a run was 73mpg displayed on the trip computer... but in reality it was just over 60.

I generally get about 630-650 miles out of a tank, think the 1.3 with s/s has a smaller tank though than the other models.
I used an l love e mpg calculator, I heard the dash is out

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It's amazing how thirsty the 2.0 is when pushed hard. When driven with economy in mind it's a completely different animal.

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Measure it using www.fuelly.com. It keeps a history of all your fill-ups itemising prices and exact mpg.
Sounds like effort lol

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I use an app on my phone... can't remember what it's called.. same as fuelly basically but in an app on my iphone
(16:th-Sep-2015, 19:01:01)grahamfromoldham Wrote: [ -> ]Measure it using www.fuelly.com. It keeps a history of all your fill-ups itemising prices and exact mpg.
Total agree. This is the same app as i use.

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I find the 2.0cdti is more eco when driven hard as that's how a drev should be driven.

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I find it the opposite. Mine drinks when pushed.

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Well Eco I'm only getting 37mpg... Best was 43mpg on a run on B roads..

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