Full Version: Xbox - HDMI input
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So, after 5 years my younger brother has finally decided to give me my xbox360 back.

The problem I have is that my plasma is an older model still going strong. It only has two HDMI inputs.

In input 1 I have my Sky box. In input 2 I have my Chromecast.

I purchased a HDMI splitter off eBay which I put the xbox (because it's off and shouldn't be giving a signal) and the Chromecast, however the image was flickering.

I put it in input 1 with the Sky box but the screen was black.

Any further ideas as to what I can do? I don't particularly want to revert to the component input and can't be bothered to keep swapping cables over in the back.

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Could you not use the RCA plugs? Or is the a spare HDMI port on the Sky box?
Do you mean the whuite/red/yellow input? i could, but as i'd rather not. I'd rather it go through HD.

No, theres only one HDMI on the sky box and thats an output, not input
I think what you may really need is an HDMI switcher rather than a splitter.
