Ok so it says in manual that you can use the fob to open/close the electric windows by holding the open/lock button. I've tried this and it doesn't work! Does anyone know why or if there is something I need to do to make it work? I used to be able to do this with my Corsa D and never had to do anything.
It was disabled on some models with only front elec windows.
I have front only electric windows and it works on mine. I have a 14 plate SRi.
Hmm I have front only and mine is a 2011 Sri.
Mines an Sri 10 plate front electric and it doesn't work on mine.
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It was mostly pre MY12 cars that had it disabled.
I have the 2010 Elite 1.7td with electric all round and it works on mine
Ah bugger then, seems as I have front only its not enabled...
we still dont know if this can be enabled yet but someone has to try and find out
Would it be a tech2 thing or ?
MDI mate, I did have a look on Lewis old car and I couldn't find anything.
Hmm buggers, really wanted that feature too!
I'm sure it got disabled due to a safety recall from VOSA or it was because too many people were finding their windows open in the morning.
Ahh, well obviously I don't want that haha!
true people were pressing the fob by accident in there pocket and found there windows open when they went back out to the car
Only time my keys are in my pocket is when I'm out and about otherwise the are put out of sight in doors.
Mind you I'm forever checking my pockets when out as there are too many naughty people around.
I've done this before. Sat at work and security call out my reg to tell me windows are open. Middle of November, chucking it down with rain!!
I've got a 2014 excite with only front electric and my fob works.
All 12/62 onwards should have it enabled.
My 2011 SRI has this enabled.
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My 61 Plate is enabled with it, sometimes I hate it going out and windows are down after a good down poor of rain
Are both of yours rear electric, or just front?
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Just my front windows are electric. I've never yet come out to find the windows down. I only have my car key and a house key so nothing would press against it in my pocket.
Hmm weird, in the manual it says something about turning ignition on the closing windows and holding for 2 seconds. Then should work ::
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Is that just to re-enable to one touch close though?
No for automatic use with fob
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(7:th-Jun-2015, 11:59:21)Tonto Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm weird, in the manual it says something about turning ignition on the closing windows and holding for 2 seconds. Then should work ::
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That's for if you pull the battery off.
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My early 2011 SRI with front electrics doesn't have it, but my old late 2011 SE with full electrics had it.
On another note, I found out I do have auto locking over X MPH, hand book says hold the lock button down on the dash which did nothing but I found it under vehicle settings under configure on my CD500 NAVI today

Yeah I have that on mine too, think it's around 8mph. Excellent for having kids in car etc.
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That auto lock was annoying and the first thing I learned how to turn off, although I have it on for the wife's key.
(8:th-Jun-2015, 07:07:36)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]That auto lock was annoying and the first thing I learned how to turn off, although I have it on for the wife's key.
See I'm the complete opposite, I've had it on my past few cars & it's a nice thing knowing in rough areas no-one will get in!
The doors also unlock when you take the key out so there's no annoyance for me

I love auto lock. I hated the fact my Focus didn't have it.
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Whilst I think about it, the feature worked the other day when a lorry driver decided to try and open my door after he was disgruntled about me beeping at him for nearly running me off the road. I'm pretty sure a lorry isn't supposed to be able to overtake you whilst your doing 60mph with cruise control on and then just decide he's pulling into your lane whilst your only just level with his trailer
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Come across this on parkers. Only the SE and Elite have rear electric windows.
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I got 5dr 2012 1.7cdti Sri and I have auto windows. Front elec and rear manual
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When I was plugged into Lewis's car the other week I went into the BCM and there was a drop down box whereby I could disable or enable the soft close feature.