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Is it possible to buy new bolts that hold the engine cover on? Some of mine are rusty as hell. Had a quick look online and can't seem to find much

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Engine cover bolts that should be.

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Engine cover just clips on mate (at least on the 2.0CDTI anyway)
Ha. Oh.... Let me have a look. I just had a quick look and assumed that was there job.... 2 min.

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Them to rusty bolts there

[Image: bc471acd92de866ad057d1400ad00482.jpg]

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[Image: cb034af8d778b5275a6a439c06373b57.jpg]

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What engine you got mate?
1.6 turbo

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Just looked on EPC and it would appear they class your's as a cylinder head cover rather than an engine cover.

Now if I'm right the part numbers will be


Cheers mate. Couldn't log on for a while laptop or on my phone.

Where would I buy them from? Put the part number in google comes up with GM in America

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Try your dealer mate or autovaux

Yeah something happened on the hosting side all fixed now.
Just put the part number in autovaux
[Image: 5e45faf78d743691afee2d48d09358aa.jpg]

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Take it they'll let me know how much they are before I order?

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you need the correct torque also for them and replace one at a time do not over tighten these bolts
they are £1.30 but you need to add P&P on top mate I'd of thought that would be a 50p ish.
Ok cheers. One more thing. Is there 2 different sizes, with there being to different part numbers.

I only really need 2 but I'd replace them all with them being cheap (just noticed the price)

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yes mate there are different sizes although EPC is not very clear on where they all go or how many of each are needed.
I'll just take one of the rusty ones out and measure it against the new ones then.

Think I'll just order 4 of each size can't go wrong then

Thanks for your help.

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As said you need to torque these correctly... there's usually an order to torquing them up also to ensure even tightening.

Don't want to end up leaking oil from the rocker cover.
Mmmm..... Doesn't seem like a straight forward thing to do then.

Can I not just take one out, then just put a new one its place at the correct torque. Cants go wrong then surly?

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I've bought 2 x 201 bolts which are part number 24440095. Because I think they are the ones that are rusty on my engine

[Image: 2ff73947a84459394be26f4b401995fc.jpg]

[Image: 10cd140c6b5ace9453b35f95dff8347d.jpg]

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£3.62 each

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you can swap them one at a time but use the correct torque there not as tight as you may think
if you were to take the cover off then you would have to tighten them up in sequence
this is to protect the gasket
Ok. Cheers. How do I find out what torque they're set to?

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rusty can you find that out mate
but you could check the torque of an existing bolt
that should point you in the right direction
Oh yeah never thought of that. Need to arm myself with a torque wrench 1st. More money. Ha.

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