Full Version: Which do you prefer, 5 door or GTC
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Simple, let's have a vote!!
I'll start this off, even though I've now got a 5 door I do miss my old gtc, BUT 5 door is more practical
well i have a 5 door that i really like but i also like the GTC
i would have to vote twice.
tucpal Wrote:well i have a 5 door that i really like but i also like the GTC
i would have to vote twice.

I made it so you couldn't Smile

You have to make choices in life
I'm not a fan of 3-doors so my vote is 5-doors, but yes I do like the GTC.

Mind you I want the VXR8
I can't vote on tapa talk?

3dr for me, and that's for all cars.

The 5dr astra looks too bulky & like a standard car whereas a 3dr looks sporty.
I like them both. I love the way the 3 door drives, But like the 5 door for it's practicality. Also like the fact the 5 door is built in the UK. I wished the 3 door was also built here as well after been on a tour of the Ellesmere port plant .
i get a tour every week. Lol
5 door astra j for me as easier with the kids Smile
Um the 5 door is losing the poll might have to fix this Couch
guess its just me and you rusty that have voted it lol
add the sport tourer then the 5 door will be second Lol
5 door every time, I don't like those great big doors which I can't open far enough in a carpark nerrow spaces to get in and out of the car.
Migwell030744 Wrote:5 door every time, I don't like those great big doors which I can't open far enough in a carpark nerrow spaces to get in and out of the car.

Ha ha, they are huge but I am that person who parks over 2 bays anyway so it's cool.
Jody do you pay for a parking ticket for both bays, it must cost you a fortune. LAUGHING OUT LOUD

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Migwell030744 Wrote:Jody do you pay for a parking ticket for both bays, it must cost you a fortune. LAUGHING OUT LOUD

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No, I also have an issue about paying for parking so tend to only park where it is free.
Joking aside if you open the doors on the GTC and hit 70 mph it will actually fly

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J1ODYA Wrote:No, I also have an issue about paying for parking so tend to only park where it is free.

Now this I must try, see how many angry notices I get on windscreen "There are other people in this car park not just you!"
Not liking the split front grill on that VXR8. That bit of white in the middle making it look a bit like a BMW is not for me. Also the drop in the rear panel looks untidy, would have liked it to go straight across. Other than that OK (WOW)