Full Version: Wheel colour for Vxr wheels
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Hey people

As some of you know I've recently purchased some Vxr wheels and will be getting them fully refurbished and was going to get the normal grey colour sprayed gloss black and keep the Dimond cut as my cars white so thought it would go well.

Only problem is the more times geting closer to them being refurbished I'm beginning to think I should just get the original colour.

I'm literally like the weather within what to do so would love people's views even if you just want to post gloss black or normal all thoughts appreciated to help me come to a decision.

Got a pic of a member of here's vxr who went for the gloss black and bazs original colour wheels below.

[Image: 29f46bffde0de0815eda77e45c5f6707.jpg]

[Image: 2769cc0d3f8488b2184a4fe77e1cb35d.jpg]

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Black definitely!
With the car being white they'd definitely look better gloss black.

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Gloss black I would say.
Thanks all surprised nobody's said grey lol but I'm all with black as I originally was

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black will go nicely with your color car that's for sure
Cheers mate that's what I originally thought but the more I saw the original wheel made me change abit bit I defiantly will be settling with gloss black and going to go for gloss black calipers also was thinking white to be different but they will get to dirty and gloss black will go better with the middle of the wheel

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white would be hard work to keep clean as you say
I know to much break dust would look different tho but think I'll be sticking with going for gloss black calipers
Would love some sort of sticker for my caliper like gtc shame can't get them

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