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Hi all,

Does anyone know of anyone who has an MDI device in the north west? I need some menus disabling on the instrument cluster.

you know this andy vxmods
*SIGH* I'm such an idiot :( haha. Thanks for reminding me, need to have the warning packaged turned off
Sheppy, try '*****' who is in Bradford. He enabled the cruise control on my Astra H a couple of years ago and he knows his stuff.
VXmods doesn't own a MDI or has he brought one now?

Graham I've removed you link mate as that person isn't member/trader on here they can't be linked too etc.
I can't actually remember if he did or not now :-/ I'm thinking he said he did now that tucpal mentioned it...Wouldn't he need one to enable the VCI codes on cars?

And ***** only gas a tech2 graham, he did the extra features in my Astra J but that's limited as to what it can enable and the warnings packages need MDI to be enabled from what I understand
, apologies r.e. the link.
, its been a while since he did the cruise control for me and I know he was using Tech2. I don't think the Astra J had been released when he did my H, so you probably know more about him than me. Not to worry.
It's fine dude Smile still no idea if Andy (VXmods) does actually have an MDI...I don't actually remember him saying that he did tbh...but thinking he must have for some of the work he does!
Yeah Andy doesn't have one atm @tucpal but he said he's thinking of getting one
i know lol