Full Version: Light sensor warning!
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Hey again guys, I keep getting this error for both sides, but not always, it appears when I switch the lights on... Its strange. Any ideas?

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Have you changed any the DRL sidelight bulbs? Also this can come up for the light too

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I have not changed nor played with any lights Rusty. Oh only the rear left back light bulb. Those warnings came 2 month ago :( I showd the message to the Opel service & they didnt know what to do ( Monkeys ) they told me they have to make tests. I have an OBD2 Bluetooth device can i use it to see this problem ?
Do you have auto lights?

If not start the car and make sure both DRL'S are lit then put side lights on and check both sidelight bulbs are working, then walk to back and check rear lights are.

Put on to dipped head lights and again walk round the car and check.

I'm sure you find there is a bulb out be it DRL sidelight or rear sidelight, no need for fancy computer bits.
as rusty says i it a random message it will will be the DRL or taillights check every light one will be out
[MENTION=1]Rusty2009[/MENTION] [MENTION=2]tucpal[/MENTION] Guys just checked every single light but no dice :( I think there is something loose there, can anyone post me a link on how to change the bulbs, I want to check every single connection. Cheers.

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The last time I had this problem it was the drl I changed it and it went away there are some how To for drl and bulb change and tail lights in the how to section
here you go



if you read the posts in the drl h7 thread you can see lewis had the same problem
[MENTION=2]tucpal[/MENTION] Thank you mate for your help. Last night I got a burned brake light error so I verified & it was burned. I red both of the links, I found those leds bulbs in my country & I would like from you to tell me if they will work if I replace them as in your post. And also can you tell me please a good bulb for the break lights ? Thanks again tucpal.
1st Option

Here are all of them of canbus

All of the Can Bus
the taillights can be replaced with the LED W5W T10 501
reverse light and rear fog light are LED H21W 433D

there is a warning with the rear taillight LED,s if you have DAB they can interfere with the radio reception but FM there is no problem at all

this is is what i used


fog and reverse lights


you may find them cheaper in Romania


as for the brake lights i have the standard bulbs still as they are on the canbus and you will get errors
if they are changed to led and load resisters would need to put in place and it is just not worth the bother