Help Guys!!! My car now won't start after installing the LEDs and door card, when I turn the key the car just make some awful noises (like the battery has died or something) and then it won't start!! It also spat the disc out of the disc tray for some reason :-/
Anyone any idea why this has happened?! Kind of need my car for work so I'm buggered it I can't get it working!
Pull the battery neg for 30mins to reset everything mate see that fixes it.
I would but I don't have a socket wrench to loosen the bolt which connects it :(
Used a pair of pliers and did it. I even disconnected all of my wiring for the LEDs too but still had the issue :(
10mm spanner or adjustable spanner?
Pliers did the job

and hope this sorts the issue, don't fancy having to ring Vauxhall or another dealer to fix it :( you seen this before?
Only times I've know this is when I didn't fit my fuseboard back properly
When Lewis put a fuse back in the wrong place
oh and someone else did tap into the wrong wire when doing footwell lights (tapped into the stop/start wire) blew a fuse.
Ahhh right okay, well I didn't connect to any incorrect wires, and even after I did the LEDs everything worked Fine, about 15 mins later I try to start the car and then seeing this issue :-/ the windows won't even wind down now either but I was able to wind them down throughout the whole process
If pulling the battery doesn't work you could have blown a fuse or the battery could just be flat and it's jump start only on the J due to needing the clutch depressed to start.
Oh balls! And if it's the fuse how would know which is blown?
process of elimination mate
I would say your battery is dead unplugging the window switch will do nothing at all with the car not starting you need a jump start
That didn't work mate :( windows started to work again but then stopped shortly after. Getting error code 68 on the dash too
code 68 is service power steering
Huh...that's odd then, how could that have been caused by anything I did? I have AA home start so might ring them and have them sort it! Ha
Got the AA coming out to fix it under the home start thing I have

You have connected the led to the correct wires on the window switch the black and yellow but still sure this is just a battery issue
Yeah I did dude and they worked great. Did the wire that had red on it to the yellow cable on the car and the Cable that had white on it to the black on the car. I did completely remove the wiring and it still wouldn't start
Waite till you get a jump you may have left the lights on to long and drained the battery
I probably won't try and hook the leds up again, would you be able to do it tucpal when I go to see Andy?
tucpal Wrote:Waite till you get a jump you may have left the lights on to long and drained the battery
I'm thinking it is the battery, sometimes the windows would open fully and close again and earlier one opened about an inch and then wouldn't go any further or close again
Yep no problem but I don't see how that would give the problems you are having sure it is just flat
Yeah me too, if that's all it is then I'll probably just redo them myself

they're coming in a few hours so will report back! Thought id see a dead battery icon on the dash though :-/
All sorted! AA man got it running again

said the battery had 11v in it which would be just less than the computer would let the engine start with. He charged it a bit, told me to drive it for half an hour to charge the battery and now it's fine
Annoyed that I undid all my wiring in a panic!!! Ha. Gonna have to redo it now :-/
cool but next time make sure the ignition is of and lights etc when you are working on the car
Haha yeah I'm such an idiot!! Will hopefully wire it up again tomorrow, I've given up on solder, I just made a hole in the original wire after stripping it and fed the new wire through it and twisted to seal and then finished it off with some electrical tape