Full Version: Solder to Use
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Hi all,

I don't half feel like I nag on this forum lol. Anyway, I've lost the solder I was using and can't remember what type it was. I've found some lead free solder though and wondering if that's any good for soldering wires together with?

Yes mate that will be fine.

I use a bit of flux just to help the solder flow, there is paste and liquid form I have the paste at the moment.


I also use all different sizes of solder depending on what I'm doing.

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Good to know I have the correct type! Not sure what my other one was though...and what do you do with that paste? Do you just put it on the tip of the iron?
Make sure it's at room temp (not been left in a cold garage) then just dip the end of the wire in if your joining wires and can't dip get a little bit on your finger and rub it over. Make sure you have an old rag to wipe your finger on afterwards trust me it doesn't taste nice.

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Ahhhh so you coat the wire with it...I don't think I've been soldering long enough to notice any issues with not using the paste stuff...it always seems to melt fine with me...but my soldering skills are a bit shoddy Haha