Hey Guys,
Right, this is a long shot but is anyone able to tell me which screws go where in the door card under the trim cover that you remove from the door handle?
Basically I know that one screw is longer than the rest but I've put it in the wrong hole (not the first time) and now the door card isn't as tight as it should be. Just wanting to know if anyone has a clue where the longer screw goes?

iirc it goes in the one mid way down the handle.
Is that the screw where you have to stick the screw driver through the handle and out the other side into the actual door itself?
Not the one by the window switch I'll get a pic later
Okay cheers

may have another go at the door cards this weekend too!
well worth the effort they look so much better

This one I think (although EPC lists them all the same)
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Ahhh that would make sense! Thanks for that, dunno why it's saying they are all the same size...also what's EPC?
EPC tells me part numbers etc, I can enter a car reg and it will apply a filter so only parts for that car so. I can also find out the spec what it left the factory with.
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Ooooo I like that!! Is this something anyone can access?
Upto date version cost to use each time, I've just got a new offline version which does upto 64 plate 5 doors and 14 plate VXR's.
I may well offer this to members but do need to cover my costs.
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Hmmmm seems useful! I would only need it once every now and then for help with an odd query but others may see the benefit in having more frequent access to it and may be willing to pay too depending on how much you'd be looking for to help cover those costs