Full Version: Chrome Door Trim
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Hi All,

I realise i'll probably get lynched just for making this thread lol but I REALLY like the exterior door chrome trim on the higher models and mine doesn't have this :(. Was wondering if anyones aware of any sites selling this chrome trim at a decent price?

I know the proper chrome trim is built into the door frame itself but I've seen stick on stuff which looks exactly the same but it's been over £120 which I think is a rip off!

Your on about the trim that goes round the windows etc?

TBH the stick on stuff isn't a very good fit have a look at this on ebay and you will see what I mean by looking at the pictures.
Yeah that's the trim I'm talking about. The one you linked too is only the half door one isn't it. I've seen the full set on ebay and I can't tell the difference between the stick on stuff and the real thing.

I take it there's no other way or cheaper way of doing it then?
not without replacing the front and rear quarter glass sections
sure that link is a full set they are just showing how it fits
You could be right...that would just be for one side though so not sure I wanna pay £120 for the full set lol