Full Version: So what did you do for valentines?
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The wife and I don't bother she's finally submitted to fact I think it's just a big rip off as she knows I love her.

But I did fit new kitchen lights for her, LED ones so it saves some pennies that I can spend on the car Couch
Me and car went to the car wash Rofl

just the normal stuff really flowers etc and a meal Wink_1
With the wife being 7 months pregnant she just wanted to stay in eat junk food and watch TV, result.
Roses, selfie stick that she wanted and a meal. Happy, happy.
What is a selfie stick?

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Extendable rod to put your phone onto to take better photos.
a what Rofl
I reckon it's for some kinky stuff mate what with 50 shades hitting the big screen Couch
i need to see this device Lol
Took the car to be washed/mini valet and got the other half a new vacuum as the old one packed up. Well I say I got it Anna paid for it lol
tell the truth you got the vacuum for the car Lol
tucpal Wrote:tell the truth you got the vacuum for the car Lol

Nope already got one for that Smile
tucpal Wrote:tell the truth you got the vacuum for the car Lol


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