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Hi Guys Smile

Looking to clean the leather seats that I now have and wondering if the Autoglym conditioner would be enough or if i should be using the cleaner first followed by the conditioner? Never really had to properly care for any leather seating before and want to make sure i do it properly!

Use the leather cleaner and then the balm i use the autoglym and had no problems with it at all
Okay then I'll buy the cleaner and balm when I get paid and give it a whirl! Smile. Did you have to cover the stitching with tape while doing it or did you just polish over that too?
yes that's fine over the stitching but dont use the balm on the door cards,headrests,and arm rest
as they are fuax leather and take an age to soak in
just use the leather cleaner on them parts
i would give them an extra go with the balm after 5 days
as they most likely have never been done before
Okay Smile think I should be okay to use it on the arm rest, it's not the VX one, the one I have is proper leather.

Yeah doubt they have been done! Will get the cleaner and balm stuff either this weekend or next anyway Smile thanks for the help