Hi Guys
So it turns out the guy who sold me the elite seats was an idiot and cut the connectors off the bottom of the passenger seat!!! The garage are going to try and take the connectors from my old seat and splice them into the new seat...is that safe to do though and would the airbags work fine?
Will be ok as long as they do it right, there might be a problem with missing pins from your connector though mate so just bare that in mind.
Okay thanks

only other option I have is to have him fit the rest of them and then go buy another seat and have it fit in a months time :-/. Yeah ass thinking that but wouldn't lose any functionality would I? I mean that seat is manual anyaay and only bit that is electric is the heated bit...which the guy was gonna wire up manually anyaay
It will only be the elec lumber (if the seat has it, my passanger seat doesn't) and the heated seat pins missing from yours.
Yeah it doesn't have electric lumbar on the passenger seat anyway and as we said in the old posts, we were expecting the heating pins to be missing anyway and for the garage to have to get power to them via other means...will see what he comes back to me and says anyway, he said he will try and remove from the other seats and splice onto the new seats

sure they will work this out
if they look at the seat how to there is a pin out for that connector
i will add the wire colors to it later on in case they get stuck
sure that will help
and i hate breakers that do this cut connectors like that it is pure lazy.
tucpal Wrote:sure they will work this out
if they look at the seat how to there is a pin out for that connector
i will add the wire colors to it later on in case they get stuck
sure that will help
and i hate breakers that do this cut connectors like that it is pure lazy.
That wouod be really helpful! Thanks

still haven't heard back from them yet so not sure if he's managed to sort it or not! And dunno why they would cut the cable though...surely it's just as easy to disconnect it the proper way? :-/
The pin out with all the wire colours etc is in the post I posted the other day which I believe you passed onto the garage?
So so there is no point in Tucpal redoing that.
Rusty2009 Wrote:The pin out with all the wire colours etc is in the post I posted the other day which I believe you passed onto the garage?
So so there is no point in Tucpal redoing that.
Ahhh yeah sorry I was a little confused there, I have already sent it to them yeah

how many connectors are there btw because i rang the garage and he's saying that there are loads of different connectors and they have all been cut...I only thought that there was one big connector and that was it?
OMG they haven't cut the heated control module out the seat as well have they
they want the big loom
have you got any pictures or can you get one from under the seats ??
i put the wire colors in the how to any way as it may help someone ells also.
Not sure...I'm pretty sure I saw a box under each of the seats which I'm guessing is the heating module? The garage seems a bit annoyed and just said that all the cables have been cut and that they're working on fixing it..Won't be able to get any photos I'm afraid :(
no problem i am sure they will work it all out
yer the boxes are there that's not to bad then
Phew! Properly annoyed at this seller though and can't get hold of him either! Wanting some sort of refund for this mess
Right he's done them!

he said it was a ball ache though, even the driver seat which had the connectors needed the old ones taking off and soldering onto the new seats..he said he can do the heating bit but will cost a fortune :( said that was because my car has none of the wiring that it needs
Well if you fancy a drive to bournemouth I'll only charge for parts used.
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Rusty2009 Wrote:Well if you fancy a drive to bournemouth I'll only charge for parts used.
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Oh wow really?! That's awesome of you! Thanks

I'm gonna see if id be able to come down for the weekend sometime soon...you're sort of 4 hours from where I live lol. He would literally be charging me about £400 and the petrol and hotel would only cost me about £200 if I was to come to you...
No problems.
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For the heated seats mate.
Rusty2009 Wrote:For the heated seats mate.
Okay thanks, where does it connect from and too though?
Remember that digram I did in your other thread of how to get power to the seat?
Rusty2009 Wrote:Remember that digram I did in your other thread of how to get power to the seat?
Aha! I see why it's needed now

thanks for that, had to refer back to the diagram :P. I'll get it bought now then as it will take a while to come from China!
Thanks again for everything