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As far as I know you only get the shark fin Aerial with dab, is there anyway to have a shark fin with normal radio????
yes but it is expensive as you may be aware
i have replaced the rear glass and loom and have got the FM receivers
so i now get my FM from the rear window
and i can have the sharkfin on the car
the shark fin is only used for the satnav so it will have no function apart from looks
but i hope to get that working soon.

have a look at the dab cd400 retro fit i did.
I only want it for looks, nothing else! Can't I just swap my crappy aerial to a shark fin one simply?
if you do the reception will be real bad
the aftermarket ones with the FM Ariel inside are a total waste of money

rusty found a Ariel that plugged into the heater matrix on the rear window
he may give you some info
but the way i did it is the only way that will work properly.
You have too much money to spare! Might be able to get some more upgrades done with my recent promotion lol
that retro fit cost me £150 for every thing. :wink_2:
not to bad on price really to be fair, especially when you brought the rear window :P thats what im looking for... gosh so much i wanna do lol
I once used a small unit on a company car to use the back window as the areal and added an amplifier as well. It worked fine, but don't ask what it was now as it was so many years ago.