Full Version: help me please :(
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So tonight my car was driving fine i parked in mcdonalds ate my food and then started the engine and thought me engine seems a little louder than normal. So i started driving and i noticed when i change gear say im going from second at 3000rpm to 3rd when i put my foot on the clutch the revs drop to 2000rpm and then it sticks for a few seconds and then drops down to normal :/ any ideas what this is. Does it in every gear but when im on stop and just revvin it is fine 😨😨
Oh and my cars a 2011 2.0 cdti 😂
Not sure any error message or warning lights?
No nothing :/
it my be EGR related
is the idle moving on tick over ?
I was thinking egr tbh but my cars only on 21 thousand miles :(. No its idling steady half a thousand :(
Illl try cleaning the egr in the morning and hope thats it thanks for all your help Smile
i take it you have no tuning box,s
look at your instant fuel consumption setting
on tick over if it is over 0.1 gal/h and at 0.6 gal/h
the car may be doing a DPF regen
I thought dpf regen dtove it hi revs on motorway for 10 mins still doing it . Took my father to work this morning and its still doing it to :(
And no cars standard
Okay ive cleaned to egr valve checked the turbo checked all the pipes took the battery off for 20 minutes and its still doing it but ive noticed it is only doing it if im in change gear if im driving and im at 3k revs and put my foot on the clutch and dont chamge gear the revs go down normaly. If im driving it at 3 k revs keep my foot on the clutch and put it in 3rd with my foot still on the clutch it will srick at 2k revs for a couple seconds. Is it me or is tht gearbox :/
kevin is the best man for this
Im new to using the forum how do i find him ?
Don't the J's hold revs when changing gear?
Im not sure i never noticed it before tbh :/
I'm sure I've read it somewhere will see if I can find it.

Sent from my iPhone 5c using Tapatalk.
Okay thank you ☺.
Sounds normal to me. The engine revs are matched for the next gear change. Some corsas do that too, gives an ultra smooth drive.

However, it isn't all that clever as it assumes you won't be block changing, so if you change from 2nd to 4th, the revs are too high.

As for engine being noisier, it might just be in you mind!
Mine (2.0cdti) does the same, as kev says its normal for the ultra smooth (suposidly) gear change
Thats aswome cheers mate been stressing like mad about it 😂