8:th-Nov-2014, 22:51:32
![[Image: 9nd4_zpsea5fce57.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/9nd4_zpsea5fce57.jpg)
This How to will Cover How to fit the Mini H1 2.5 HID Projectors
into the Headlights for the Astra j 5 door
with standard Halogen Headlights
and will Give the Bi Xenon look without the Price Tag of fitting AFL
and this is also the Correct way to fit HIDs
as they Need Projectors to give the Correct Light Pattern.
1. Set of Mini H1 2.5 HID RHD Projector Lenses.
2. Butyl Headlight Glue.
3. Headlights.
New or Used or use your Own but Think of Resale
as the Car will only Use HIDS so a Spare Pair may be Best.
as you can put the Standard ones Back in the Car
and sell the Projector Lights when the Time comes to Sell.
4. HID kit.
you Must Get a H1 HID kit to fit the Projectors
5. Black Heat Resistant paint
to paint the Halogen Reflector
And to give a better look inside the Headlight again optional.
STEP ONE............
This is what you Get with the MINI H1 HID RHD 2.5 Projector Lenses
it is very Important you Get RHD Projectors for the UK or the Light Pattern will be Wrong
the First step will be to Dismantle the Projectors and Clean the Lenses
to Remove any Dust Dirt or Finger prints from the Projector Lenses.
![[Image: hids003_zps3324630c.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hids003_zps3324630c.jpg)
Remove the 4 Screws at the Front and pull the Lens away
and Make a Note of How the Projector Plate with the Solenoid for High and Low beam
all goes Back Together and Clean the Glass and Reassemble
you can test the Solenoid works by Adding a 9 volt Battery
and see if it Moves the Plate up and Down
but i will Talk about that later on But now is a Good time to Test it works
the High and Low beam Function is Optional
you can Have it or Leave it just as a Low Beam it is Completely up to you.
![[Image: hidstwo013_zps5cb452f2.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo013_zps5cb452f2.jpg)
![[Image: hidstwo010_zps96cdd58c.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo010_zps96cdd58c.jpg)
![[Image: hidstwo012_zps8af52594.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo012_zps8af52594.jpg)
![[Image: hidstwo011_zps08654709.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo011_zps08654709.jpg)
Now fit the Chrome Shroud Cover to the Projector
it will need 4 small Screws to fit it Together.
![[Image: hidstwo007_zpseec59801.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo007_zpseec59801.jpg)
![[Image: hidstwo008_zpsb6a95c03.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo008_zpsb6a95c03.jpg)
![[Image: hidstwo009_zpse6121797.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo009_zpse6121797.jpg)
![[Image: hids001_zpsef69fa45.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hids001_zpsef69fa45.jpg)
Next fit the Large Crush Washer to the back of the Projector
remove the Three screws and Remove the Holding plate and Retaining nut
and Add the Crush Washer this will Help hold the Projector into the Reflector housing.
![[Image: hids002_zpsf4fd3f4f.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hids002_zpsf4fd3f4f.jpg)
![[Image: hidstwo001_zps00889766.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo001_zps00889766.jpg)
![[Image: hidstwo002_zps4a656490.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo002_zps4a656490.jpg)
![[Image: hidstwo003_zps874f3564.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo003_zps874f3564.jpg)
![[Image: hidstwo004_zps75f0b07e.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo004_zps75f0b07e.jpg)
![[Image: hidstwo005_zps1c76e272.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo005_zps1c76e272.jpg)
![[Image: hidstwo006_zps1638fb76.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hidstwo006_zps1638fb76.jpg)
The Projector is now Ready to fit into the Headlight.
STEP TWO............
Remove the Lens Covers from the Headlights
i did try to Heat the Headlights and Try to Pull the Cover off
but no luck Getting the Glue to stay Melted
there are also some Staples that will Need to be Removed around the Light unit
so i Opted to Dremil the Headlights apart
i will now Need extra Bonding but it will all go Back together
and be Water tight when i Reseal them.
![[Image: drem001_zps675e6ed9.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/drem001_zps675e6ed9.jpg)
![[Image: lin001_zps68a0d19f.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/lin001_zps68a0d19f.jpg)
So the First job is to Clean all the Excess Plastic from the Light Covers and the Light Units
so a Good Seal can be Made when it is Time to Reseal them.
and then Drill two Holes for the Two Wires on the Projector Lights that will go to the High Beam
and file Down the the Lip for the Light Bulb so the crush washer will fit Better
![[Image: bb002_zps7d0e8a65.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/bb002_zps7d0e8a65.jpg)
![[Image: bb003_zps1b10970c.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/bb003_zps1b10970c.jpg)
Then Prime and Paint the Chrome Reflector to give a much Better look
Rub the Chrome down with 600 Grit and use Metal Etch Primer and Heat Resistant paint.
![[Image: black004_zps99c9ebde.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/black004_zps99c9ebde.jpg)
Next place some Metal tape around the Back of the Projector
to stop any Light escaping out the Back of the Projector
and make a Note of the Top.
![[Image: black002_zps284c5aa5.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/black002_zps284c5aa5.jpg)
![[Image: black001_zpsa6adace4.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/black001_zpsa6adace4.jpg)
![[Image: black003_zps04044fe1.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/black003_zps04044fe1.jpg)
STEP THREE..........
Fit the Projectors into the Headlight units Position and Reseal the Headlights.
First cut the Connector on the Projector and Thread the Two Wires through the two Holes you made
then Place the Projector inside the Headlight making sure the End marked Top is Up
and as Level as Possible.
![[Image: hid4001_zpsc2bd302b.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hid4001_zpsc2bd302b.jpg)
![[Image: hid4002_zps5beb542b.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hid4002_zps5beb542b.jpg)
Now from the back Add the small Crush washer First
then the Plate and then the Nut and lock it all Down
making sure the Projector stays as Level as Possible
and does not turn when you Tighten the Nut up use Long nose Pliers.
![[Image: hid4003_zps8037fbd7.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hid4003_zps8037fbd7.jpg)
![[Image: hid4004_zps5bed7bd9.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hid4004_zps5bed7bd9.jpg)
![[Image: hid4005_zps8adbd3cb.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hid4005_zps8adbd3cb.jpg)
Next Add the Holding Plate and add the Three screws.
![[Image: hid4006_zps6e061f63.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hid4006_zps6e061f63.jpg)
![[Image: hid4007_zpsa8b91fd5.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hid4007_zpsa8b91fd5.jpg)
![[Image: hid4008_zps98f57f96.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hid4008_zps98f57f96.jpg)
You can fine Tune the Horizontal Level by Turning the Holding plate
And this is Best done Before you Resale the Covers
fit the Lights back to the car and Then get the Horizontal Line
correct First
It is now Time to Reseal the Headlights and give them a Real Good Clean before hand
use Butyl Windscreen Seal Glue simply apply it around the Headlight unit
heat the Glue and press Down the Light Cover and allow 72 hrs to Cure and Harden
then Apply more if Necessary this will give you a good Water Tight Seal
i also put some Gorilla tape around the seal as it will Remain Tacky
and i dont want the Seal Bonding to Anything else when they go Back in to the car
a Good seal is Better than Looks
you will not See the Join when the Lights are back in the car.
![[Image: hesdr002_zps21152c0b.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hesdr002_zps21152c0b.jpg)
![[Image: hesdr003_zps5a9893e5.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hesdr003_zps5a9893e5.jpg)
![[Image: lll001_zpscdbd786c.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/lll001_zpscdbd786c.jpg)
STEP FOUR.............
Fit the Bulbs back in to the Headlights units
i will be Fitting the LED DRL,s and a How to can be Found Here.
![[Image: wire004_zpsf52061db.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/wire004_zpsf52061db.jpg)
![[Image: wire005_zpsf262e19c.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/wire005_zpsf262e19c.jpg)
Next Take the two Wires from the Projector
and Splice them in to the two wires for the High beam
this will make the Solenoid open and close on the Projector
and turn High and Low beam on the Projector
so you will Have two High Beam Lights now
this is Totally optional you do not have to do This
if you just want the Projector to stay as the Main Beam only.
![[Image: wire002_zps79ac4282.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/wire002_zps79ac4282.jpg)
![[Image: wire003_zps84c58635.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/wire003_zps84c58635.jpg)
![[Image: wire006_zpsc85a9b55.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/wire006_zpsc85a9b55.jpg)
Next the HID KIT can be Wired up so it is all Ready to fit and go Back into the car
i will be Using A, H1 HID KIT as that is What Type oBbulb the Projectors use
i have chosen the Terminator 35w, H1, 6000k, HID kit from HIDS DIRECT
as this looks the Best and the kit is Error Free,
![[Image: hid002_zps78ed6a86.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hid002_zps78ed6a86.jpg)
make the Hole in the Center as the Bulb will need a Bit more Room
i did Redo the Hole as it was in the Wrong Place and added a Cap from the Hid Kit
so there is a bit More Room as the Bulb was a Tight Fit with just the cap
making Adjustment Harder but this will cure the Problem and still be Water Tight
![[Image: caps002_zps6c596149.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/caps002_zps6c596149.jpg)
![[Image: hid004_zpsfc60edc9.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hid004_zpsfc60edc9.jpg)
![[Image: clip002_zpsebdfa6a3.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/clip002_zpsebdfa6a3.jpg)
Remove the Metal Clips for the H7 Holder
then it will Fit back in to the Headlight unit
![[Image: hid005_zps751150ab.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hid005_zps751150ab.jpg)
I will mount the Ballasts inside the Engine Bay somewhere Safe
and Wire the Ballasts up for the DRL,s also as they are Already Mounted in the Engine Bay.
STEP FIVE...........
Fit the new Headlights back into the car and Adjust the Light Pattern
here is a Link on How to Remove the Front bumper.
This will be a Basic Light Adjustment
and if you are Unsure get the Light Pattern
adjusted by your Local Garage.
Here is the Basic rule on Adjustment
but he is Adjusting for LHD but the same will Apply for RHD.
It is much Easier to Adjust the Light Pattern with the Light Units fitted to the car
without or Before you fit the Front Covers back on
i Suggest you get This Correct first
Before you Bond the Cover back on.
![[Image: ProjectorAiming_zps5df210bc.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/ProjectorAiming_zps5df210bc.jpg)
I have marked the Positions with the Halogen set up all Ready
for the new Projector HID.S
to use as a Guide Line to follow.
![[Image: light001_zps77a0dd75.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/light001_zps77a0dd75.jpg)
And Here is the new Projector HID Light Pattern.
![[Image: hiiiid002_zps21895bd6.jpg]](http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/hiiiid002_zps21895bd6.jpg)
And that is that all done.

you do this at your own risk if you follow the how to correctly
there should be no problems thank you.