[MENTION=2]tucpal[/MENTION] at the weekend me and Dicko took the light out and retrieved the dropped led in the light. When we put the new bulbs in the work fine on DRL with no errors but on side light and main been they just switch off, tried another bulb and the same happened, also the rear tail lights on that side arnt working now! Should I just take the resistor off until u next see you or can you tell me what to do?
did you tape the wires back up like i told you too with electrical tape when i last left you ?
you need to take the tape off and look for a disconnected wire and connect it back up
you would have pull one apart as you took the drl out
dont just take the loads resistors off as if you mix the black wires up it could get messy
also what DRL LED bulbs have you used this time ?
Cam best thing is to solder the wires and then heat shrink or tape them up.
me and dicko took the tape off and soldered them together, using the black pyramid ones for the insignia
No wires got crossed over?
Rusty2009 Wrote:No wires got crossed over?
nope dont think so, might need to pay [MENTION=2]tucpal[/MENTION] a visit
what have you done i take it you just cut them all off and then just soldered them with out looking were they were joined to originally
cam you are going to have to follow the how to wiring now
as it will not be the load resisters that are the fault more like you have wired the wrong signal
did you cut the 3 black wires in half that i spliced into ?
Sicko did it. He just did them 1 at a time and put them back where they were
Whats withe the Sicko lol
I took the tape of one at a time so not to mix them up the fault was there soon as we put the bulb in before we soldered it together
Just a thought but did you turning the bulb around? Some these bulbs only work properly one way?
Also have check all the fuses & bulbs in the back?
Sent from my iPhone 5c using Tapatalk.
just look at each wire and make sure there are no brakes and as rusty said turn the bulbs around
camaron i will phone you tomorrow about 6pm it will be easier to sort out as it will be the end off november till i am free
also i need the exact link to the LED bulbs you got ??
it was this one i take it as i have never heard of any problems with type not dimming for side light
most other led drl,s will not dim down and just go off
Yeh we tried changing bulb around, tried a different bulb, still no luck. Yeh it's those ones in the link, sorry [MENTION=52]Dicko[/MENTION] auto correct!
I'm glad I don't need DRL bulbs now I have my Xenon's with LED's knew I didn't need spend money on LED's and loads.

much better i have just ordered the ones from hids direct this time see if they are better
tucpal Wrote:much better i have just ordered the ones from hids direct this time see if they are better
The load resistors? Or bulbs?
bulbs Cameron i am i bit fed up with LED bulbs not dimming down for side light now
they did do this but looks like now they dont or they are not as described
i will let you know the out come from hid,s direct.
Sorted Cameron just got the LED bulbs from HID,S DIRECT
super fast next day delivery they are a 27 SMD so much better than the 18 SMD i had in
they also dim down for side light and the fit is perfect and not loose at all
and they look so much brighter so highly recommended..
LED lights on DRL mode.
And side light dimmed down
work perfect and they are the best i have found so far
so get them Cameron and all should be good
if not give me a bell and i will go through a few things with you
but i am sure it will be the bulbs . :cool
and from now on i am only recommending these LED DRL,S...
i will update the how to later on..
and remember not all LED 7443 will dim down i have only found 2 sets that will do this so far.
so dont waste your money get these..